Bella additionally expressed during her Journal Meeting yesterday that the House has been exhausting without Sheggz. We’ve seen her make the best of a terrible circumstance by venturing beyond herself and endeavoring to communicate with her kindred Housemates.

The pair’s companionship has developed since Day 56, when Rider Rachel helped Bella with her cosmetics for the Shella date. Bella and Rachel have been indistinguishable since Sheggz’s flight. Bella remained close by the previous evening after a concise quarrel with Chizzy. Rachel had requested that Chizzy quiet down while he was commending his Errand triumph, which he didn’t take well.

Bella talked with Riders Rachel and Chizzy to help them in agreeing, and Rachel expressed that she was making an effort not to welcome the victors down deliberately. All things being equal, she was disheartened in light of the fact that she had endeavored to finish the Responsibility. Bella talked with Chizzy in the Nursery subsequent to talking with Rachel. The discussion closed decidedly as the two examined Chizzy’s quarrel with Phyna and her relationship with Cool.

— alex fisherman (@alex_fisherman3) September 28, 2022