Before his days as the Dark Knight of Gotham, Ben Affleck built up an impressive track record in recent years, proving not only his talent in front of the camera but behind it. Affleck’s directorial outings have all been critical success stories, leading fans to favor the idea of him directing the next Batman solo film. Many who had doubted his ability to play the hero were also swayed by his actual performance in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice.

The Batman project hasn’t gone without some development concerns, however, most of which have come from conflicting comments made by studio heads and Affleck. These concerns boiled over when Affleck stated he wouldn’t direct the film if he isn’t happy with the script, causing a multitude of followers to begin to worry about the future of the project.

USA Today had the chance to interview Affleck about his upcoming release Live By Night and was asked about the prospects of his Batman film. He revealed that he already feels the pressure that comes with giving Batman the proper on screen treatment.

Affleck’s continued uneasiness about the The Batman is sure to be both fascinating and frustrating for fans. At this point, it would be a real letdown if Affleck didn’t ultimately direct. Comments such as these continue to show he doesn’t feel that his hand is being forced.

“Superhero movies get the level of attention that is nothing like any film I’ve done. You cast the 14th lead in these movies and the Internet goes crazy. I understand and embrace that. That’s part of the pressure that comes with doing it. That’s why I am not going to do it, unless I really feel confident about it. But when that day comes, should that day come, I’m sure that’s going to be the most pressure, the most stress I have ever experienced in my professional life. There’s no doubt.”

Both Affleck and Warner Brothers surely want the project to work out, but Affleck has made it clear he won’t direct it if he isn’t confident with the plan. Warner Brothers affiliates had pointed to 2018 being the intended release, though this may no longer be the case, following rumors the film’s start date will be pushed back. These rumors seem even more likely now, as Affleck has confirmed in the interview that the project doesn’t even have a production start date.

Affleck seems to be doing everything in his power to ensure he doesn’t let down viewers or himself. Nobody wants a great Batman film more than Affleck, so if he needs a few extra months to perfect the script and the film doesn’t hit theaters until summer of 2019, that may be the best case scenario. After all, most fans would rather wait to see the best film possible than have Affleck and company rush to meet a predetermined date and deliver an undercooked final product.

Source: USA Today

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