Before it was even released, fans and critics everywhere knew that Doctor Strange was going to end up being one of Marvel Studio’s most ambitious films to date. Telling one of the more complex and detailed origin stories in Marvel Comics, the film effectively blew open the Marvel Cinematic Multiverse to a world of magic and alternate dimensions like it had never seen before. Benedict Cumberbatch’s Stephen Strange made his entrance into the universe a memorable one, and was welcomed with both critical and financial success upon the film’s release.

A large portion of the credit for Doctor Strange’s success must be given to director Scott Derrickson as well, who managed to turn the mind-bending world and imagery of Stephen Strange’s sorcery into concepts that audiences could understand and latch onto. So because of that, it should come as no surprise then that Derrickson has remained a favorite amongst fans to direct the studio’s unannounced, but presumed Doctor Strange sequel.

It is important to note that Marvel hasn’t made any plans to give Stephen Strange his own standalone sequel public yet, but like the fans, that hasn’t stopped Benedict Cumberbatch from considering it either. Speaking with Cinema Blend, the actor talked about why he hopes that Derrickson returns to direct Doctor Strange 2, whenever it actually happens:

Credited both as director and co-writer alongside Jon Spaihts and C. Robert Cargill, Derrickson was one of Marvel’s more unexpected and out-of-the-box picks when he was initially announced as the director for Doctor Strange. Coming from a history of directing horror films, though, Derrickson used his skills at creating atmosphere and insane visuals to full effect in Strange, giving audiences one of the most beautiful and visually-exciting superhero films that they’d ever seen.That’s not too bad considering that many believed the Doctor Strange comics to be almost unadaptable in their use of sorcery and multiple dimensions.

“…I think also Scott’s got, he’s very good on process, and he’s very good on visuals and he had to cram a lot in. I mean this was a much harder shoot in many ways than I imagine some of the other origin stories had been. They’re all hard, not to detract from the hard work that they put in, but my point is that there was a massively fast turn around. So he was having to edit and approve special effects shots at the same time as setting up these huge sequences live and getting the camera and angles and performances and visuals right on the day. So he was double tasking in a pretty full on way and then he was, for someone who’s done stuff to do stuff with the supernatural before but never, as he’d be the first to admit I’m sure, never quite on this scale. He had to do it all with great skill and the results are on the screen. So yeah I think this film speaks to why Scott would be a great choice to direct it again…”

Derrickson’s collaboration with Marvel and Kevin Feige seemed to be a productive and positive one also, which could help increase his chances of directing the sequel. Then again, all of that likely depends on when exactly Marvel wants to make Doctor Strange 2, and if Derrickson’s schedule will be open for when the studio decides to pull the trigger on the project. Not to mention if Derrickson actually wants to do a Doctor Strange sequel or not. But either way, his passion for the Sorcerer Supreme and the Marvel Cinematic Universe would likely make him a choice for Doctor Strange 2 that fans could get behind - if it ends up happening, of course.

Source: CinemaBlend

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