Season Pass holders will also have access to the all-new Bespin expansion DLC, which features four new maps for all of the game’s most popular modes (Cloud City, now with 100% more AT-ATs), more blasters, more Star Cards, and last but not least, more heroes.

Craig McLeod, the game’s producer, writes on EA’s blog:

Lando Calrissian, the owner of Cloud City, and the bounty hunger Dengar are two heroes that have been announced for release as part of the Bespin DLC. Everyone would know who Lando is, but not a lot of people would know who Dengar is, unless they’ve been reading the Expanded Universe (now dubbed Legends) novels, or know the names of every bounty hunter that Darth Vader hired in The Empire Strikes Back to go after the Millienium Falcon.

YouTube game commentator Westie says in his info video on the Bespin DLC that the news that both Lando and Dengar will appear in the game is both hot and cold:

Who knows who the other hero characters will be, and where inspiration has been drawn in choosing them. All will be revealed when these changes are made to the game in June.