Answer – With a wide range of products, Best Buy also offers some amazing services to its customers like health and wellness services, sports, fitness, and recreation. To facilitate all these services and to make them all accessible and an easy choice for its customers, Best Buy offers various payment options and the best among those is to get a Best Buy credit card. You do not just get amazing discount offers on this card, but also no fee is charged from you if you purchase the product from Best Buy using the card. But at the same time, one needs to be aware of the frauds that these credit cards may attract. Let us read about it more in this article.

Credit Card Frauds

Financially fraudulent crimes are a common thing now not just in the case of Best Buy but in all other companies. There are a number of scammers waiting for you to fall into the trap and give them a chance to rob you. Always keep these points in mind if you own a credit card –

Keep your credit card details like card number, CVV, PIN, etc. confidential and secured. Do not keep it written anywhere. Do not respond to any emails or calls or messages that ask you to enter your card details.  Do not share any OTPs with anyone over the call. Not even with bank employees over a call as it may turn out to be a fraudulent call. Keep strong passwords.  Freeze the credit account if you notice unusual activities and strange unclaimed transactions from your account which reflect in your bill.

Dealing with Best Buy Credit Card Frauds

Best Buy as a company always keeps its customers aware of the fraudulent cyber crimes happening around. Some tips that Best Buy offers its customers are –

If your credit card identity is stolen, immediately report it to local police in your area or the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) as they might look into the issue faster and will save your account from getting debited further. Contact your parent bank branch and ask them to freeze the account immediately prohibiting any further transaction from that account.  Change all the passwords across all the banking and payments applications on your phone to stop them from being misused.  Block your credit card using the customer call center or online or mobile banking.

Reporting the theft to the FTC

The FTC or the Federal Trade Commission typically looks into financial thefts which may occur due to a compromised identity resulting in financial losses due to cyber crimes. You must immediately report an issue with them if you have faced Best Buy credit card fraud in any capacity. This you can do by –

Visit https://www. identitytheft. gov/ and click on ‘Get started. Pick a statement that says “Best Buy credit card fraud”. The website will redirect you to another page and then you select the option “credit card accounts”. Lastly, you show how your account was misused and provide some extra details like when you last changed the password or where you last swiped your card, etc.  

The FTC then takes immediate action once the issue is reported to them. Save your complaint number after you register the issue with FTC for your future reference. 


Best Buy is a leading electronics retailer store and would never indulge in any fraudulent financial crimes. However, some people might misuse the brand to commit such financial thefts by making the identity. One needs to be very much aware of the kind of thefts that are committed and how many ways of doing that exist. 

How to report credit card fraud with Best Buy?

You can report the issue to FTC through their online portal. You can call Best Buy customer service on – 1-888-237-8289 to immediately report the issue and get your credit card frozen or temporarily blocked to prevent any further illegitimate transactions.

Do Best Buy credit cards include fraud protection?

There is NO purchase protection in Best Buy’s credit card because the purchases and financial aspects of Best Buy are taken care of by Citibank.

Does our money get refunded after the fraud?

The bank or the company is only liable to pay a full refund of the fraudulent transaction if the security breach or identity theft is done from the bank’s side on account of their negligence. In other cases, the customer may have to bear the loss themselves.