The target market of best buy in 2022

Best buy Has been making customers all over the market. Without hesitation, they go into any sort of market for the products. But best by specific targets the middle-class families and Lower middle-class families that have social economic status in 2022.

Their focus also shifts towards the woman of the market, as men are already in the market. Best buy Wants to grab on the market and become a major selling brand in the market. To do so, they must grab the market’s attention, Best Buy is doing its best in taking over the market in the electrical field. As they have the attention of men now, they are going for the new to middle-class families and the woman in the market.

Age group best buy targets

There is a specific age group that best buy targets are of 21 to 40 years old. Best buy targets these groups because the reason is that this age gap is much familiar with the technology. And they know the technology, as this age group lives in the present. 

Best Buy also helps the customer to buy products, and we can answer their questions any time tech wants. As Best Buy has their customer care service always available the people can buy their products.

The busiest time of the year in Best Buy

The busiest time of the year at Best Buy is around Christmas and the holiday sales, many people come to Buy things during this holiday season. As there are many offers available to them in this duration.

Their slogans are like “Holiday excitement starts here” These are the slogans of best buy. This is the season-best for shopping as they provide the best offers and deals during this season.

Many products are sold at Best Buy which is popular. As these products are electronics So many people of age gap 21 to 40 they tend to like this. But the most selling products are the computing equipment and accessories, with the same, there are mobile phones which are sold at Best Buy.

These products tally up to 20% of the income of Best Buy. As the cell office types of equipment in the home set up. There are many loyal customers which come to the store for buying the products even though there is the internet and online shopping.

Services at Best Buy

There are many services which are provided by best buy, Which are provided by the store Of best buy. Some people provide tech support to the person Who wants to buy that product. They provide the tech support and financial help and all the things that a person requires to understand while buying the product.

There are many service providers for the customer:

Apple authorized service and repair CentreProfessional TV mountingWi-Fi set upDelivery for appliances and set up for the same. Doorbell installation.

There are several services, which are available at the best buy store. This is just a small list for the same. Anyone can be anything related to electronic products In the store.

Now we have learnt what is Best buy target market. To conclude the above said it is said that best buy targets their customers with each gap of 21 to 40 years old. Initially  their attention was given to the male audience of the Country as Best buy Sales and electronic products which are mostly gaming and computer accessories. But now the focus of Best Buy has shifted towards the female audience of the country as they have started to bring office accessories camera equipment and laptops to increase the market. Best by targets Low middle-class and middle-class families in 2022. 

Frequently asked questions

What is the customer base of Best Buy?

The customer base for Best Buy is located in the United States, as 90% of the best buys revenue is generated from the United States alone.

As Best Buy focuses on the domestic markets of the United State, all the revenue of Best Buy is generated through the market of the United States.

Which gender purchase this more from the stores of Best buy?

In the earlier times it was generally specific as there was more of a male audience that come into the store because there are many popular video games accessories and TV stores stop all these were in the demand of male customers.

But now the best why has shifted their attention towards the Female customers as they are selling female-friendly products which are laptops, office accessories, camera equipment, etc

What is the age gap that best buy wants to target?

As best buys an electronic related store, Their focus is on the age gap of 21 to 40 years old. As this generation is more familiar with the technology.