The Counter Strike brand has been setting the gaming world alight since 1999 before many of its current players were even born. What started out as a spinoff from the thinking man’s first person shooter Half Life, soon took on a life of its own and was masterfully developed into the online multiplayer phenomenon it is today, known to its disciples simply as CSGO (Counter-Strike: Global Offensive).

At its peak, in 2019, the game registered an incredible 764,468 concurrent players, reinforcing this grand old dame of the gaming industry as being one of the key players in an ever-growing sector. So, just who are the best Counter Strike minds out there at the minute? All is revealed below.

The Brazilian Terminator…

… is the nickname given to the man you would be wise to have your money on in any Counter Strike skirmish. Michael “Coldzera” David, who has been voted the MVP of no less than eight tournaments during his career, and was voted player of the year for two years running from 2016 through 2017.

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Known for his attacking style of play and high kill count, Coldzera always leads his team from the front. He now plies his trade at FaZe Clan, who acquired his talents for what was purported to be a huge sum. The FaZe Clan team regularly appear at all the major events around the globe and the acquisition of Coldzera should put them amongst the favourites on CSGO betting sites.

There’s Nothing Simple about Oleksandr “s1mple” Kostyliev’s Game

At the age of just twenty-two, Oleksandr “s1mple” Kostyliev is making a name for himself week in, week out, in the ESL. His performances are a large part of why his team Natus Vincere became the world’s number one ranked CSGO outfit in March 2020.

Sometimes simply known as S1, Kostyliev has been recognised by his peers as one of the game’s top ten players ever since 2016. It’s this level of dedication and consistency that continues to propel him towards being one of the Counter Strike greats.

Christopher “GeT_RiGhT” Alesund – On the Slide but Still a Great

Anyone with a decent setup and adequate graphics card can get involved in competitive gaming, but it takes a real pro to be the greatest CSGO player of all time. Although many of the game’s young guns are making strong claims to the throne, it can easily be argued that this veteran twenty-nine-year-old from Stockholm is the man to beat.

Sure, he’s had a wretched recent couple of seasons and recently switched teams to Dignitas, where he’ll hope to revitalise his career. However, none of that should take away from the fact that during his glory years at Ninjas in Pyjamas (what a name that is!), Alesund helped the team go a record eighty-seven matches unbeaten, a record that still stands to this day.

Due to his exploits with the men in nightwear, he was ranked as the number one player in the world in both 2013 and 2014.

Nicolai “dev1ce” Reedtz – Astralis High Commander

Last be not least comes another Scandinavian sharpshooter by the name of Nicolai “dev1ce” Reedtz, whose team Astralis have been dominating all comers in recent major events. This means most observers view Reedtz as the bonafide pound for pound best in the CSGO business.

Perhaps his greatest achievement to date is beating Christopher “GeT_RiGhT” Alesund’s record for MVP trophies earned in one year, reaching the magic seven mark during a stellar 2018 campaign. It’s no surprise that Astralis is odds on to continue their reign of terror at the top of the standings for a long while to come.