They have introduced different informational applications that simplify it to think as opposed to getting redirected. Furthermore, these informative applications create an open door for development more naturally, subsequently consoling students to learn. 

This Article Talks About The Essential Apps Every Student Should Have:


Everyone doesn’t dream of focusing on top schools like Harvard, MIT, or Stanford? Anyway, it is understandable that it is surprisingly tricky to get into these schools. 

Stress not-EdX helps you achieve those dreams that come with a phone and a fantastic internet connection.  

With this electronic pre-application, you can get everything done in all practical aspects and get certifications from the best universities.  

Completing EdX courses can earn you college credit in the same way.

 Combining this with your master’s certificate can quickly lead you to your dream manager paycheck!

Google Classroom

Students are constantly required to hand over homework and school assignments. 

Teachers are therefore needed to evaluate and evaluate them as quickly as possible. However, this cycle is not as natural as it seems due to the student-teacher relationship in today’s living rooms. 

Google Classroom is the answer to these requirements to facilitate training cycles.

Photo Math 

Mathematics is a confusing subject for many students. The formulas may be too jaw-dropping, or the idea may be overly conceptual. 

Today Photomath allows anyone to understand how to solve complicated numerical questions.  

It’s simple: you click on an image of the request (it could very well be handwritten or printed), and then the application examines the idea and shows you how to approach the request using bit-for-bit video instructions.

 In some cases, these clarifications highlight various techniques for dealing with similar issues, intelligent graphics, and animated instructions.

Khan Academy 

Khan Academy is a modern internet library offering courses ranging from mathematics and statistics to psychology and languages.

It has a student-centered philosophy and was created to disseminate information and teach.  

This online training app offers world-class free training to curious minds worldwide.  

Like most learning libraries, courses are video addresses that show a recording of drawings on a virtual whiteboard, just like a teacher giving a lecture.  

Khan Academy also offers government-administered test preparation courses such as SAT, LSAT, etc.  

Gracefully, and think about it, different dialects are held. There are many other free educational apps for students today. Take advantage of these educational apps and guide your learning differently.


Edmodo is an open-ended social learning platform designed for collaboration. 

Students can provide content, turn in assignments, and join groups or schools that take notes.  

Most of the time, educators can use Edmodo as a web-based writing board. They can submit surveys, tests, task guidelines, and more.  

They also have the choice to recognize and stamp tasks that have been completed. Additionally, Edmodo’s minor group feature can help teachers communicate with intimate groups of students.  

Further, they can update students absent from class and engage in project-based learning in a study hall setting.


One of the most popular and best educational applications for students, Udemy has video tutorials on almost anything under the sun. 

Udemy offers all sorts of courses for example yoga, technology, business, and personal development. 

You can learn on your own as the app provides pre-recorded courses. Also, if you get stuck as expected, you can ask questions on the discussion forums, and teachers or students will be happy to help. 

Learning is highly interactive, and Udemy encourages discussion at every moment of the learning journey.  


It has become harder and harder to organize multiple students to study under the same roof during COVID. 

Because of this app, parents and professionals are updated with the student’s progress and stay connected.

You can use Remind cooperatively and receive regular updates on everyone’s activity in your neighborhood.  

Teachers can send a message to the entire class, share photos, and give a presentation, and students can submit assignments and discuss questions with friends.

Now we have learnt “Best Educational Apps Students Should Have”, Educational applications can make learning interactive and create better relationships between learners and content. In addition to paid applications, free educational applications for students also help them explore the world of learning. There are several tools available to aid you in your academic endeavors, such as online whiteboard apps, learning libraries, and apps that encourage collaborative writing. In general, educational applications enhance self-learning since they are practical, simple, and provide a variety of learning methods outside of the classroom.

Is it necessary to have all these apps mentioned in the article?

Answer: The above-mentioned apps have become necessities in every student’s life in the ongoing times of pandemic where online education has become a need.

Are these apps affecting the original methods of classroom studying?

Answer: Online apps have made it very simple for students to impart education from anywhere, anytime. Many feel these apps are very useful while some are against them as the screen time for students increases affecting their health.