It is a very different experience than going to any new luxury theatres. There was always a picnic sort of vibe in the drive-ins, with huge crowds, eating and enjoying.  

How to listen to the best FM radio for drive-in movies?

You can hear the audio by tuning your car’s radio to a set frequency, but that will drain out your car’s battery, also if you keep your car on then the engine’s noise will be distracting. The alternatives are using your phone or portable radio. Portable radios have better speakers also you can charge them almost immediately with a portable radio charger or by power banks.

The best FM radios for a drive-in movie

FM radios are very convenient when going for a drive-in movie, they are compact and easy to use and also, have better audio quality than most car radios. Here is the list of best FM radios you can easily purchase before going for a drive-in movie experience –

1 . PANASONIC RF-2400 radio

2 . Singing Wood 030C FM Portable Radio

3 . SONY Portable Bluetooth digital turner AM/FM CD player Mega bass sound stereo system

4 . ROCAM radio 

5 . AUDIIOO IPX7 Waterproof Portable Radio

6 . PowerBear 

7 .GPX Portable Radio


 In recent times, when the world is so badly hit by Covid-19, social distancing has become the new normal, the easiest way of entertainment without interacting much is through drive-in theatres. And there is no way you’ll be able to enjoy a movie with bad audio quality, so taking an FM radio with you while going to a movie is a must.

▪ Do cars have to run the whole time in drive-in movie theatres?

It depends if you want to use your car’s AC only then you should keep your car on otherwise it is not needed. Even if you are using your car’s radio for the audio you don’t need to keep your car running, the radio operates from your car’s battery. But you might want to keep starting your car for a minute or two every twenty minutes or so, to charge up its battery. 

 ▪ What happens at a drive-in theatre if it rains? 

If there is light rain or drizzle the movie is continued, you just need to open your wipers. In case of heavy rains or fog, the movie is paused and intermission music starts playing. And, if there is a thunderstorm they stop the movie.

▪ Where’s the best place to park your car in the drive-in movie theatre when you want to watch the movie?

If you want to enjoy the movie you might want to park your car in the center if possible or as perpendicular to the screen as possible, also parking in the front rows is so much better than parking in the last rows, there will be so much distraction, kids running around and endless cars. And try not to park too close to the screen or you will be looking up the whole time also when you recline your seat the roof might obstruct your view.