The best Investments 

There are many investment options you can venture into. They include: 

Real EstateCertificate of DepositIndividual StocksA High-yield Savings Account Dividend Stocks

Real Estate

Real estate investment involves the buying and selling of a property after some time, or you can rent the property. One trusted and legit way to invest in real estate is investing through the  Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). Real estate REITs offer dividend payments for your real estate investments. Investing in real estate is long-term, so you shouldn’t put in money that you’ll need soon. There are no high risks in real estate investments, but make sure you’re buying properties from accredited companies only. It takes years to gain a profit.

If you’re not financially stable, do not invest in real estate.

Certificate of Deposit

A certificate of deposit is an insured savings account where you can put your money and get interest rates after some time, certificate of deposit is also a long-term investment. You can keep your money for a year to five years.

A certificate of deposit can be used to save money for future needs. For example, if you need to pay your rent in a few years, you can put your money in a certificate of deposit account and watch it grow over the years. After a few years, you can withdraw your money and pay your rent and still have extra savings.

To avoid scams, buy your certificate of deposit only from accredited online banks and credit unions. A certificate of deposit is sold based on how many years you want to invest your money in the account.

Individual Stocks

Stocks are a share of ownership in an organization or company. For example, if you buy stocks in a company, you are part of the owners of the company, and the person with the highest stock is the main owner of the company. Stocks can be the best way to earn profits with your money, but it is very risky and you have to be careful.

If you’re willing to take risks, you can invest in individual stocks, but don’t invest with more than 10% of your savings; rather you should invest with the amount you can afford to lose. That said, if you’re not financially stable, don’t venture into individual stock investment.

The easiest, fastest, and least expensive way to buy stocks is through an online broker. They can sell stocks to you for a discounted price.

A High-yield Savings Account 

A high-yield savings account is an online account you can use to save your money. You can use these accounts to manage your cash and they give you higher profits than your local banks.

A high-yield savings account is best for short-term investments. You can keep the money that you’ll need in the next three to six months.

You can open high-yield savings account online through some online banks, but they cost more than the local banks.

Dividend Stocks

Dividend stocks are also a good investment. Dividend stocks give you higher profits too. When your share prices increase, your dividend stocks increase too. There are few risks and anyone can invest in dividend stocks. The best place to buy dividend stocks is from an online broker.

Other Profitable Investment 

If you are not comfortable with the above investments, you can check these out: –

Money Market FundsETFs are exchange-traded funds.  Index FundsCryptocurrencyMutual FundsGovernment BondsCorporate Bonds US Treasury BondsSeries I Savings Bonds, e. t. c.  


You must choose the best investment for you; some are for the short term, while others are for the long term; some are highly risky, while others are not; but in any investment you make, keep in mind that you should only invest with money you can afford to lose.

What is the safest investment?

There is no completely risk-free investment, but some are not too risky, like real estate, certificates of deposit, etc.

How much should I put into an investment? 

Even if you want to venture into a low-risk investment, always make sure you invest the amount you can afford to lose. Always keep this in mind.