
You can sell anything on eBay: used clothes, shoes, bags, electronics, and even collectibles. eBay is very easy to use and anybody can list items easily on their site. Just follow the instructions and your goods will be up for sale in a few minutes. However, it is not free, eBay charges sellers 10% of their selling price, including shipping but minus taxes.



Offer Up

This is another big online marketplace where you can sell your used items for free. You can sell clothes, cellphones, jewelry, e.t.c. It is similar to Craigslist but safer because there are certain guidelines to follow. Like Craigslist, you conduct the process of selling by yourself without any support from them.

Sell Max

Sell Max is the best online site to sell your used car. You can easily list your car in sell Max by simply stating a few facts about your car like the model and year and what condition it is in. So instead of going through the stress of listing in Newspapers or acquiring the services of an agent, you could just list it yourself in Sell Max and be rest assured, their team will give you the perfect offer for your car.

Antique Piano Shop

Antique Piano Shop is the best place to sell your old piano online without stress. Just as the name implies, it deals majorly with pianos. The Antique Piano Shop buys old pianos from sellers at a fair price, revamps them, and resells it on their website. Be rest assured that you can trust them with the price.


Are you tired of using your phone, so, want to sell it but don’t know where or to whom? Think no further because Swappa is here for you. Swappa is one of the best places to sell your used electronic gadgets. All items on Swappa are always properly reviewed and prices are always fair. Sellers deal directly with buyers. 

Pro Tested Gear

 Tested Gear is the best place to sell your old bicycle or gear at a very fair price. Their team handles the selling process, all you need to do is send them your old stuff and wait for your money. So, what are you waiting for? Contact Pro Tested Gear and sell your old bike gathering dust in your garage.

Once Upon a Child

Once Upon a Child, as the name suggests is an online marketing for selling used children’s wear. You can sell and buy children’s night wears, costumes, and other clothes from Once Upon a Child. They buy at fair prices from buyers and resell them on their website. So, do you have any clothes that your children have outgrown, and you do not know what to do with them? Contact Once Upon a Child today and make some cool cash.

Things to Do Before Listing Your Used Items Online for Sale

Check all your items to make sure they are in good shape, especially electronics. Carry out online research on the prices for similar items. This way, you’ll know the best prices to tag your items. Get the materials ready for packaging so you don’t start running Helter-skelter when you have a buyer. Take beautiful and clear pictures of your items with good lighting. Prepare detailed descriptions for each of your items.


Related Questions

Where can I sell my used items online?

Where can I sell my used items online for free? 

You can sell your used items online for free at any of the free online marketplaces like Craigslist and Offer Up.

How can I sell my used stuff? 

You can sell your used stuff by listing it on any of the online marketplaces mentioned here.