There are multiple times that have also been imported from Japan, which has become a popular way for people to come in and satisfy their gaming needs even if they can’t travel overseas. One particular item that caught my attention was the collectors edition of Final Fantasy the 25th Anniversary Digital Collection. (Only 2,000 of these were sold, if you didn’t know that already.)

Are you a Pokemon fan? Well they also have a special edition Pokemon N64 system with cute little pikachu on top. 

Did you know that Nintendo originally sold playing cards back in 1889, but they only make them in Japan? You can still get you one and only imported deck just by stopping by at the videogamenewyork store. 

Are you into making your very own custom made joy sticks? Well they even have spare parts to help you build your very own if you want to deck out your own controllers to match you systems. Or just to make others jealous of you too. They can also help you repair those worn out systems you oh so love.

You can literally find anything here and if they don’t have it, they most likely will be able to find it for you, or import if from somewhere. Looks like I’m going to have to save up to take a trip down to New York this year. Happy shopping everyone! Don’t forget to check out their events too!